Tyler and Reid

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Burrito baby!

I just have to say, this is the best invention ever!! It's called the Miracle Blanket, and I honestly believe that it is a miracle. I think it's the reason that we are getting anywhere from 4 1/2 - 6 hours a night of sleep out of a 2 week old, or else we just got really really lucky!!

Smiley face

Reid is quite the happy baby. He is usually grinning after he eats, so I can't wait to see how happy he is once he can get the good stuff!!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Regressing just a bit!

My mom got Reid this cool play mat that plays music and lights, and now Tyler thinks it's his new toy. And for some strange reason when he first layed down on the pillow he got teary and almost started crying! Out of nowhere!! Ahhh, 2 year olds! He is also wanting Reids binky, which he hasn't had one in well over a year. I guess we should be thankful he isn't wanting a bottle too!! But I am loving the fact that Reid is so awake and alert this young and the lights and sounds just totally captivate him!!!

From pouty to happy

Reid kept making these funny faces so I grabbed the camera, and luckily I caught this great one of him smiling. And people say babies this young only smile b/c of gas!!! Don't believe it for a second!!!

flippin' the bird!

Ok, so Jason and I were playing cards the other night, and when I went to check on Reid this is how I found him!!! Maybe that was his way of telling us we should be holding him instead of playing cards, even though it was 10 pm!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Playing dress up.....

I just love wearing hats, sunglasses, and much to dad's dismay, mommy's headbands! So what, I like to accessorize!

Sweet Baby

How can you not love this face, chubby cheeks and all???

Future DJ!

Reid must have been dreaming of spinning some records last night!

Big boy chair

I am loving my new big boy chair! It was an early xmas present, b/c I really needed/wanted my OWN chair. And the fact that it turns into a bed with a sleeping bag is even better!

Curly haired boy!

So, I think Tyler inherited my curly hair! His hair is kinda out of control, especially after his bath. But he is letting us dry his hair with the dryer, so that keeps it looking more tidy!


Phew, Reid is heavy! Mom had to help me hold him, but now that's all I want to do!

I love my brother

Apparently I am not supposed to try and pick my brother up off the floor, but I just wanted to hold him after giving him a big hug!

A tight fit!

Hey look, I can still fit in my old car seat!!!

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Reid Carter Jordan is here!!!

Reid finally made it into this world on Wednesday, December 5th at 1:13 pm and weighed in at 8 lbs 6.5 oz and is 19.8 inches long. We came home on the 6th and so far everything is going great! He is sleeping for 5 hour stretches at night, which is wonderful for us. And Tyler is just amazed by him. We will keep everyone posted as time goes on.